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Thursday, January 19, 2017


It is not finished... We may question why God allows bad things to happen to people who clearly love and seek Him -- in fact it's a very common topic and question for many. But, after a refresher on the life of Joseph in my Scripture time today, I felt God show me that it seems bad (and it often is bad in that moment), because the story isn't finished yet! The thing is, we can only see the here and now, and so these things that happen just don't make sense to us. It's often at these points that we begin to question the goodness of God. But, God knows the ending, that we do not see. This is where we MUST trust Him! the "wrong" done to Joseph was, in the end, actually God providentially setting things up to ultimately provide for the very people God used to seemingly wrong Joseph. It's crazy really -- and don't miss in Genesis 45, how Joseph responds to his family--the brothers who betrayed him. Incredible! I'm sure that Joseph often scratched his head asking God, "Why?" and "God, what are you doing?", not being able to see or understand the loss and pain inflicted upon him at the hands of his brothers. Joseph could not fully understand God's plan, yet he remained true to God, honoring and trusting Him, despite the seemingly lack of evidence of God's love. All the while, God prepared him to receive and bless his family when the time of famine came. A beautiful picture of grace, mercy and forgiveness unfolds -- healing and peace. Take a moment to read this story and be reminded that just because things in our lives don't make sense to us, doesn't mean God has forgotten us.